Information Text on the

Protection of Personal Data

Last Revision: 31 July 2024

Pursuant to the Turkish Protection of Personal Data Law no. 6698 (“PPDL”) and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), Destination Turizm AS (“Destination”), (hereinafter shall be referred to as “DMC”) duly incorporated as per the legislation of the Republic of Türkiye, shall be able to process your personal data within the scope stated below:

a) Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data

Your personal data and especially special categories of personal data (including but not limited to your nationality, photograph, passport and CCTV audio visual footage in public spaces within the premises of the DMC) collected through your use of any of our forms on our website, through booking from our website, or during your stay/visit in Türkiye shall be processed in compliance with the GDPR and the processing conditions stated in Article 5 and Article 6 paragraph 2 of the PPDL. Your personal data collected by any of these activities shall be processed for the purposes of conducting the necessary operational activities relating to carrying out necessary works for your travels, tours, accommodation, advertisement and promotions executed by DMC and other relevant activities regarding these purposes.

b) To Whom and For What Purposes Processed Personal Data Can Be Transferred

Your collected personal data can be transferred to legally authorized agencies, DMC’s local/international business partners and/or group companies within the framework of the conditions and purposes for processing personal data outlined in Article 8 and Article 9 of the PPDL and in compliance with the GDPR in order for DMC to fulfill its legal obligations and for you to take advantage of DMC’s services and products.

c) Method for Collecting Personal Data and Legal Basis Thereto

Your personal data will be processed and acquired in any verbal, written or electronic format within the framework of the law in line with the purposes outlined above in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this text and stored in a database locally and/or abroad in compliance with the GDPR and the conditions stated in Article 6 paragraph 2 of the PPDL as it is “necessary for the legitimate interests of” DMC, without harming your fundamental rights and freedoms (as stated in Article 5 of the PPDL).

d) Personal Data Subject Rights Specified in Article 11 of the PPDL

Personal data subjects have the right to

  • Find out whether or not personal data has been processed,
  • Request information about the processing of personal data if it has occurred,
  • Find out the purpose of processing the personal data and whether or not it was processed for this purpose,
  • Know third parties to whom personal data was transferred either domestically or abroad,
  • Request that personal data processed incorrectly or incompletely be corrected and request that third parties to whom the transaction in correction was made are informed,
  • Request that personal data be erased or destroyed if the reasons that required processing no longer apply in spite of the fact that it was processed in accordance with the provisions of the PPDL or other applicable legislation, and request that third parties to whom personal data was transferred as part of this process be informed,
  • Object to any unfavourable consequences arising from the analysis of processed data via exclusively automatic systems,
  • Request remedy of damages if they incur losses due to the unlawful processing of personal data.

As a personal data subject, requests you make in connection with your rights may be sent to DMC by filling out any of the forms on our website. Your requests shall be answered by DMC within 30 days at the latest following its receipt. However, if a charge is specified by the Personal Data Protection Board, the cost on the fee schedule specified shall be collected by DMC and/or DMC may ask for additional information to reach a conclusion about your request.

Open Consent Declaration

for the use of

Personal Data

Last Revision: 31 July 2024

The below text acts as the content of your declaration. It is written from your perspective and addressed to Destination Turizm AS.

I am contacting through a contact and/or inquiry form present on your website.

As per the “Information Text Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698” prepared by Destination Turizm A.S., I have been informed on how my personal data collected through this website is going to be used, how it is going to be processed, to whom and why this data may be relayed, the method on the collection of the personal data, the legal ground on which the personal data is collected and my other rights on the personal data as per the Law’s 11th clause.  

As the person who has filled out the contact form with my name, last name phone number and email address, I give my open consent, with my free will and without any pressure, for my personal data to be recorded in your company’s data recording systems for the purposes of your company, to be classified in these systems and stored for a period stipulated by the legislation and to be appreciated by your institution, to be shared with the SMS and mailing companies that serve for the purpose of carrying out the necessary communication activities, and with the company that wrote the customer relations software where your records are stored, for the purposes of

  • being contacted through phone or email for the betterment of and being informed about your products and services,
  • being informed about your products and services through advertisements, mailing and similar promotional activities,
  • being sent newsletters regarding campaigns on our products and services.

I accept and declare that I have the right to obtain information from your company, which is the data controller, regarding the processing of my personal data, to learn whether the data is processed in accordance with the above purposes, to request correction in case of incomplete / incorrect processing, to update the data, to request the complete or partial deletion of data contrary to morality and for the right to withdraw, in whole or in part, the consent I have given regarding my data in case of its use outside of the above mentioned purposes.